It seems yesterday that he was a five pound premie, hardly squeezed into the carseat with pillows and blankets to fill the spaces that he couldn't and here he is a big boy. Still with the same gleam and joy of life in his eyes. Happy to be here, everyday is great for him. He looks into things far deeper and far sweeter than the rest of us. He seems to understand the depths of grace more than the rest of us at the same age. When we are glum for one reason or another, he seems to be able to find the silver lining. Why is everybody so blue? is his constant question. He could be in trouble, or just have gotten a spanking for some misstep and he still smiles and says the day was just great. How was your day?
The smile at being eight was bigger and wider than any of the other ages. He shows me, everyday the joy of being alive. Watch out world, he seems to say, I am eight and I am coming through. What a beautiful life to get to watch?