Psalm 109:17
As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. Is that us, Lord?
Bless Your Heart!
At my first introduction to the culture of NC, I felt repulsed. It was so different from the "live and let live" attitude of the NY state of mind.
Why do they always say that? IS it really genuine? Is it authentic?
The southern sweetness was everywhere. I felt like somebody had emptied the sugar bowl and given them sugar, instead of the snow that we have in NY. The Holy Spirit would hold me up as I held my nose and greeted the people, I would accidently meet. I can't deal with this was my emotional response. Are we really supposed to be that nice to people that we don't know? I think these people are a little extreme with their southern sweetness.
Now, I am sure that heaven allowed NY to be bereft of normal human courtesies so that the healing of our hearts could be documented in the history of our nation. We are a culture of pragmatists and the sweet verbal blessings that are part of our southern neighbors are icing that we feel we can do without. Are we Christians who "don't delight in blessing our neighbors, out loud"?
"Lord, Heal our every flaw"Please!