Friday, March 30, 2018

You Hobbitologists, just get me irked! I am up to Chapter 5 and I am in agreement with Al Stewart---"Time Passages"

Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight!
In other words the working out of these riddles with Gollum has got me down, since I first met him! He makes me quiver and want to give up, when I saw his eery huge eyes depicted in the movie or when I am introduced to him in chapter 5. He makes me say, like Al just let me not have to think about the riddles and be the last one on the train to die. I just want to live long and prosper. Why are there bills of thought to pay? Why are there so many riddles to try to snatch your soul from your body? Everybody meets Gollum. Everybody has a burning question that lives in the darkest night of their soul; The answer to which is life or death to your faith and life. Once you have met him, you can't get away from him. Whether he is responsibility or thinking, I simply don't know.
He is everywhere, maybe because the dark nights of my soul have been long and frequent. Maybe he stands beside the grave and that is the darkness that in view in the chapter.

I know that he is the reason why I put that book down so many times, as a child. I know that he was almost the reason that I didn't finish watching the movie, except that I had my dear Ethan the Hobbit interpreter with me in the darkness of the viewing. I know that I am stopped in the mid-chapter 5 and counting the very moments until I can get away from him and his "Time Passages". I stopped at 30 minutes of the reading and TIME was the very word that I stopped at and I had no idea that that was the riddle's answer, when I stopped there. I am intrigued by his relevance to my experience, but I hate him, just the same. I always have to ask my Hobbitologist friends, does he win in the end? Is there a time after Gollum? Don't worry mother, they always comfort me. I shan't worry and I will perservere in the reading of this essential exercise in perserverance in these...

Time Passages!

Monday, March 26, 2018

The ecstatic joy of soup making!

Veggies and broth and there is something akin to a medicine that is created. It is a dominance over sickness that God has granted to mothers as we pray for healing to the horrors of mucus and sick children.
I had a bag of hot peppers in the freezer, since my eye dilemma. There was a day that I was processing the peppers for storage, when I touched my eye in the middle of a sermon about Joseph and his brothers to my Ezzy, to occupy him in the chore of saving the seeds. I had a view to storing all of the pepper seeds for a crop this year. I only succeeding in nearly blinding myself, not realizing that most of the peppers were of the hot sort. I froze them and dreamed of taking them out to put in a soup one by one. Each time I did, it was sad at the excuses that I gave to myself about how hard it would be to take one frozen pepper off of the bunch. A year or so past and I was determined in this pre-Easter purging to make something of them. I blended them into a soup and made an onion soup out of a little of it.

O drank about 2 bowls swiftly and the heat of the mixture of peppers and onions with just a pinch of ginger,was certainly refreshing to my pallet. I liked it. I drank and then I felt the heat from the inside of my body and it scared me. I stopped. I drank 2 cups of water to try to dilute, what I had put in my body. Every pore in my skin seemed to open up and I wasn't sweating, but I felt like I had sweat out something. It was good tasting, but probably too concentrated.

I think it kept me from catching the sickness that was going around the house. Your dad was sick and Em was sick and I felt this congestion come together in one huge cough and clearing of the throat and that was it.All better, once I had gone to the bathroom and emptied my entire colon.
I gave one teaspoonful to Ezzy and he didn't get any sicker because he complained of aches. I put it in the freezer for medicinal uses.

The Cantada at Grace seemed like the musical form of my soup. It was concentrated and heated and a mixture of genre and spiritually completed a task in my soul that was so similar to what happened in my body from the soup. I was lifted and encouraged on the darkest day of my year. Halleluia, What a Savior!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

May the road rise to meet you and may the heat of your relationship always be greater than a microwave and an oven!

A Prayer of thankful anticipation of great things in life, for the good help my dear eldest son afforded me by cleaning under the microwave!
I was initially annoyed. I was expected to come in and cook with my kitchen discombobulated and my microwave and toasteroven on the same side of the stove! The morning after it wrought a delightful conversation between myself and my son, with observations of his generation the general topic. I chimed in with my observations of wrangling in prayer like Jacob for his children. All of them had a blessing from him and I have committed that all of mine should have the same. I have often meditated and sat at the feet in thought about this great patriarch about how he could have negotiated such humongous favor for his progenitors from God. Tell me the secret, I begged him. He is still telling me about it, every day! I speak in jest, but I use the things that they do and the things that we talk about as the fuel for those prayers, deep within my heart. I hardly have time for anything else. I know that God has the right timing for the future generation to come out and I trust that timing. My heat instruments and my cooking surfaces serve as begging blocks for God to hear me and complete the wonderful recipe that He has started in our family. I trust His mighty and intricate process! Amen.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

UUUUGGGGGHHHH! too much lemon juice!

Yesterday, I was making my afternoon tea. I had gotten some wonderful Earl Grey tea and was relishing the moment when I could enjoy a cup and make some sweet cold tea for later. My water had whistled and I was preoccupied as usual, with cleaning dirty things in the kitchen and making someother snack for later on for everybody. I had poured my concentrate into the cup and was about to squirt a "little" lemon juice into the brew for a flavor enhancement. I unscrewed the top, instead of flipping the top of it. I turned it upside down and immediately realized what I had done. Half of the bottle had been dumped into my Earl Grey, making it a lemonade brew, instead of tea. I don't mind making lemonade, but I wanted tea.

I paced the floor to think of what to do. I decided to make some lemon jello. I had a package of the Knox gelatin and it worked perfectly and the amount that I used made me able to keep the teabag for my cup of tea. I enjoyed my cup of tea and my iced tea, later on and the lemon jello is enough for a couple of days. C'est la vie.

for a one cup brew, I included 1/2 cup of sugar to my brew...{don't forget the sugar}
It was yummy!
Now, I am working on a chocolate jello, that might be a delicious and fat free alternative to pudding. MMMMMMM! It's in the fridge right now, hardening.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

I finally completed a log for my birdfeeder

Elusive to me, was this task. My birds were nagging and wondering how I could sit on this bag of seed for months, without having even thought about their cold and hunger.

My excuse in February was that it was in the 70s for weeks and I thought that the insects and sprouts that came out were enough for the birds. I also had found this recipe for a log, using gelatin and I was planning to use it.

I had compiled the ingredients, some of which took some thinking. I nearly always have gelatin of somesort. I thought about using an expired box of banana gelatin, that I didn't care for. How would that look to my friends? Now think about it. I may still use that in a later project for them. I am not that fastidious with my friends as you might have thought. I imagined myself using a pringles container or one of the sundry coffee containers for the log. The time and the container were the most illusive of the ingredients of the project. Yesterday was the day and your fathers old coffee cup from our trip to Evie was the container. {He keeps coffee for days and sips it and I was determined that 3 days of old coffee was more than enough tolerance, on my part.}Here it is. My first attempt and just after Purim a gift for my little friends in the neighborhood, what do you think?

Monday, March 5, 2018

Democracy has the effect of taming even the most aggressive of lions in the jungle!

The America that we have seen recently has become so feminine and antiaggressive that every masculine and competitive expression of our president is scrutinized as outlandish. He jokes masculine. "Maybe, I will be king forever?" Our forfathers were men like that. That is why they crafted a constitution and government to tame such behaviors. I cannot find the quote from Teddy Roosevelt that he said that the sedentary nature of England made his aggressive passions rise. He wanted to kill the monarch was the thought he expressed. Sad, perhaps, but masculine. Controls and stops are in place for such a concern.

Lets not kill masculinity, just because a woman hasn't had a chance at the helm of our country, yet. Nobody is truly qualified. Life of the innocents is more important than pedigree, for sure. Our President is unabashedly masculine and we are recuperating from the femininization of our leadership. Let's go back to the center of the court, or when the men rebel we won't like what happens.

You think?
Letters from Teddy this is the link to the online book.

Title- The Studious One!

Title-  The Studious One!
artwork by Elyse

Of biscuits and syrup

Of biscuits and syrup
tasty treats

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday!
a day at the Raptor Center.

Widdle Emmie in outer space school

Emmie jumped on the bus and off it flew out into the atmosphere. There was a set of clouds with turbulence right above the house and it took a few minutes for my Emmie to buckle her seatbelt. They hit the bump hard and it knocked my Emmie out of her seat and she bumped her head. The video camera came on and the monitor looked through and stated, Ms. Emmie, where are you? You are not in your seat. Where are you? I am alright I fell because I hadn’t buckled correctly. Well jump up Emmie we have a long way to go and you have to be buckled there is entirely too much turbulence in the stratosphere for you to unbuckle now. As soon as we are through this weather system there will be straight sailing but right now you must buckle. Emmie scrambled into the seat with intensity and purpose now. She watched every cloud pass her window and her nose was pressed to the window trying to see the top of the house as it drifted slowly out of sight. Soon they were not only out of sight of the house, the sun came out brightly and just as quickly they were putting on the atmospherical breathing apparatus and the outerspherical lights. The ABA and the OL. These precautions were to make them appear to be satellites to the radar as they were out in the ionosphere. Emmie knew all about this now. She had gone to the orientation and had a good breakfast and it took them 20 minutes for her to get out past the atmospherical pull and to feel the zero gravity. It would be 15 minutes before the gravity simulators would take effect, a glitch in the system which was being worked on. Until then, they enjoyed the couple of minutes of floatation, while being connected to the seats by belt. The first thing they saw everyday was the strataflotsam. The items which had been dumped into the atmosphere by earlier generations. What would their generation do about this ecological waste area that remained floating above their heads? This was a question for the generations. For now it was the area that they had to guide through on the way to school.

Midnight at the OASIS

Midnight at the OASIS
Sunset in Huntersville

My little Emmie

ran to the bus on the first day of the last year of school. 2 buns on the side of her head. She kissed me and ran at dawn to the bus. She was starting the adventure of a lifetime. I would never see that little girl again, she was going to woman school!

My Father and I 1989

My Father and I 1989

to the tune of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme


Are you going to Mary Immaculate?

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

Remember me to the one who lived there,

He once was a true love of mine,

Tell him to buy me an acre of land,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

Between the muddy Hudson in Jamaica Bay,

Then, He’ll be a true love of mine,

Tell him to sow in it seeds of pure cream,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

And build Ice cream mountains and buildings of whipped cream,

Then, He’ll be a true love of mine,

Tell him to reap them with sickles of M&M’s,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

And chew bubble gum and eat till we’re done,

Then, He’ll be a true love of mine.

Tell him to run it off down the motor parkway,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

After your done 50 pushups

and jog down the West Side Highway,

Then he’ll be a true love of mine…

(Don’t wait for me today dad, The kids are sick again, My tummy’s bulging again, My heart is aching again, And now there’s no love there…)

He once was, a true love of mine….So, Girls, I do beg you don't miss your Daddy,Apricots, Chocolate cherries and Pie,You have one short chance to see him on this side, Go visit him and let your light shine.