Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight!In other words the working out of these riddles with Gollum has got me down, since I first met him! He makes me quiver and want to give up, when I saw his eery huge eyes depicted in the movie or when I am introduced to him in chapter 5. He makes me say, like Al just let me not have to think about the riddles and be the last one on the train to die. I just want to live long and prosper. Why are there bills of thought to pay? Why are there so many riddles to try to snatch your soul from your body? Everybody meets Gollum. Everybody has a burning question that lives in the darkest night of their soul; The answer to which is life or death to your faith and life. Once you have met him, you can't get away from him. Whether he is responsibility or thinking, I simply don't know. He is everywhere, maybe because the dark nights of my soul have been long and frequent. Maybe he stands beside the grave and that is the darkness that in view in the chapter.
I know that he is the reason why I put that book down so many times, as a child. I know that he was almost the reason that I didn't finish watching the movie, except that I had my dear Ethan the Hobbit interpreter with me in the darkness of the viewing. I know that I am stopped in the mid-chapter 5 and counting the very moments until I can get away from him and his "Time Passages". I stopped at 30 minutes of the reading and TIME was the very word that I stopped at and I had no idea that that was the riddle's answer, when I stopped there. I am intrigued by his relevance to my experience, but I hate him, just the same. I always have to ask my Hobbitologist friends, does he win in the end? Is there a time after Gollum? Don't worry mother, they always comfort me. I shan't worry and I will perservere in the reading of this essential exercise in perserverance in these...
Time Passages!