For Still our Ancient Foe…
doth seek to work us woe
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal { NYT. WJT. Wash Post, etc, etc,}
And the enemies of our souls are not people, but principalities and powers in high places...
How then, can we cast down the imaginations that have funded and emancipated the Prinipalities and powers that plague us in this generation? what a question/ How then, can we free ourselves from an identity of Christendom that deems us a Facist few, instead of a reconciling majority, which is what we are.
We refuse to be deemed the problem here. we refuse to be blamed for the Covid and the BLM movement and the chaos in the streets that the antifundamentalist media have labeled us to be.
They are happy to place the label of Special Needs upon us when we have been and remain the gel that has kept this republic together for its history. We have compromised and we have discussed our differences all the way to the barn and now that we are over the Lord’s knee in spanking mode, the naughty are blaming the problem on us.
We are redeemed in our souls and not afraid of God’s judgments upon our nation, because we have asked Him to spare us from full annihilation for the sake of the few praying people. We know we all deserve Hell and that we have been blessed with so much mercy that this sad moment in history where we are experiencing a plague is just a small token of what our sins deserve. We haven’t been God-pleasing in our personal lives or in our churches. We have tried to reconcile when we should have been fighting against the powers of division that sent us to our homes. No other generation has hidden the remedy from the sick minority. We have. Prayer and corporate gatherings are the healing balm that our nation needs at such a time.
It is not our expectation to escape such a time of accountability. Trusting in the God of the Sciences is what I choose to believe He created science and data and the people who askew these data points for the fear of the weak is not hidden from his sight or the sight of the church. Still, we would not be those who are blamed for the death in our nation for the sake of saving face. We have been blessed with other ways to gather and we have gathered. And we are praying and we will not be devoured by the attacking foe and the imagination of “White Evangelicals” being the problem. We are not the problem. we are the reality of healing in His wings White Evangelicals, Black Evangelicals, Black lives that matter and white lives that matter, White churches orthodox and Black orthodoxy, We are the solution and not the problem. The fear mongering media and divisive tactics of the media in the attempt to justify their presence is the problem. Cover the reality and not your fear base.
Bless us Lord! In the name of the Christ who is over it all. Amen