Behold the Bridegroom cometh!
Does the Holy Spirit oil your lamp? or are you in the dark on the road to a store, when you should be entering into the marriage feast?
God has redemption and God has renewal for His people and the last day of the year is always a remembrance of that reality all over the world.
Watch-meeting services all over the world create a praying place for people to gather and await the possible second coming of the Lord. The Lord is merciful, but we are either wise or foolish virgins, in His eyes. Have we confessed our sins to the Lord? Have we given him the glory and expected Him to appear, ultimately? But also in our circumstances? Is He coming on the clouds to cleanse our souls and our minds from our own devices? Are we awaiting His Word to move to the next thing in our lives or are we living as a pragmatic Atheist. Jesus is coming by and by we think. I have time to sneak this one more thing past him, perhaps. That is the foolishness that Jesus has come to cleanse and renew. Get the Holy Spirit. Get the confidence that He can and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We are His people and the workmanship of His created in Christ Jesus and it is our job to be the light and salt of preservation to our culture and live in the light of the eternal God of the universe being in charge of the outworkings of providence. We believe this, but we need to live like we believe this!