Sunday, December 8, 2019

Where's my antacid, TUMS? too good.

Last night was a simply fabulous FLA Christmas dinner.

It was held at FireBirds at the mall.  How many times have we past that beautiful restaurant and not even looked at it?  I can’t count how many times.  I would go back again, even though there is a very limited course to choose from.  They have a one page menu and the ambiance of like a TGIF or something.  Their prices were okay, although I didn’t have to pay, I was conscious.
I didn’t eat all day, except for tastes of the lunch and week processing of the veggies and fruit that were about to go bad in the house.  I tried to make a broth of the zucchini and celery and asked your father to get me a bag of Godiva chocolate chips because they were on sale at HT.  I was going to mix them into my Chobani to see if I could make the delightful confection that I always am in quest to find in my ice cream substitute desire.  Something to take the taste completely out of my mouth…I am almost there with this find.  I only tasted it, so I was starving by the time 5:30 pm overtook me suddenly.  I cleaned most of the kitchen(you know how a working Kitchen stays) almost clean and almost dirty!
I was starving and dressed up and I did my hair and felt a little like Lucille Ball in Yours Mine and Ours, minus the eye lashes.  I wasn’t trying to catch anyone but myself, if you know what I mean.
We were presenting our secret santa gifts.  I got a 25 gift card to Red Lobster, maybe we will go on my birthday, or maybe we will wait for everybody to come home to use it. 
They had coconut shrimp for appetizers and Ms. Janet is always late, so I ordered one to share and the other appetizers that were going around, were a lobster dip with corn chips and a steak and pepper egg roll.  I had a little of each, except the peppered steak.  I was still starving.  
As we conversed about work and life, I was convinced that there was no way that I was leaving this place without eating the cheesecake.  I was starving!  I had eaten 3 tiny pieces of bread and a lot of water. Their bread was okay, but too crusty to cut without making a huge mess all over. (everybody knows a lady doesn’t spray bread and sesame seeds all over the table just because she is so hungry)  I could have picked up that little loaf that was beautifully brought to the table on a cutting board with a very, very sharp knife and bit it.  If I would have, I am sure that the few teeth that I have would have broken trying to bite through that very tough crust.  That is why the very, very(did I say very?) sharp knife.  Ruth would have told me to put the knife in my bag to take home.  “Your knives can’t even cut sliced bread”, she would have said.  Did you get a new knife sharpener, she asked me and you better think about getting something to open jars with, I noticed that you are having problems opening them lately.  See, aging is not fun, is it.  Shut up, Ruth, I said to myself as I argued with my hungry self, whether to act like my mother with the dainty slices of bread or like Ruth and put the knife in my bag…

Mrs. Janet, as usual was over an hour late and I was still so hungry after 3 tiny pieces of bread that I had managed to carve off of that tiny loaf on the table.  We are twice the size company that we were last year.  More people, more complications, but still as fun to look at the growth of this little baby company becoming a real daycare center.

They had ribs and steak and noodles and chicken this and the surf and turf had bacon in it, I wasn’t going to make any unusual requests that might delay my entre’.  I was drooling imagining the Sesame encrusted Salmon.  I know that I will like that.  I thought I was the only one who put sesame seeds on my Salmon.  

Your father came back 2 hours after he dropped me, as requested and we had just ordered.  He said, “I’ll be back” like Schwarzzenegar and left.  I was starving!  I ordered the desired entre and fried spinach and portobello mushrooms, which I thought would be maybe 6 or 7 tiny mushrooms in a sauce.  I got it anyway.  Oh my goodness! It was delish!  My Salmon was fat and plump and not fried, but crispy with a sufficient amount of sesame seeds to make even a sesame seed glutton like me happy.  I tried not to drop one of the seeds on my lap.  Waste not want not, Said Grandma Monica.  I am certainly not wasting those sesame seeds, even though my conscience was smiting me for burning that entire soup that I spent the day working on, zucchini and celery broth.  Oh well you can’t win em all, I said to myself.  “sorry Grandma!”

Camille would have been proud of the way I ate the bread, and I didn’t cut myself on those super sharp knives that were tempting me to steal them.  Ruth was angry with me that I was too siditty taunting the hair, too much.  Monica was sucking her teeth that I had wasted the zucchini, to get to this occasion and why didn’t you wear something more showy and ornate.  Christmas only comes once and you didn’t tell anybody that it was your birthday.  Sorry Grandma.

Did I say I miss them terribly in this season of the year?  It has been many, many years since I have seen them all together and I still navigate my life with those three stars bearing down on me constantly, but never more than when it is birthday time!

Did you have to make such a mess trying to combine the spinach with the sauce on the salmon? It was all over your face. The mushrooms can’t fit on the fork with the other items, why are you trying to get it all in your mouth at one time?  Okay, most of it made it… The stuff on your chin isn’t going to make your colleagues despise you any more than they already might.  Okay?

3 bites and I was stuffed, like a Christmas Turkey!  NOOOOO!  I want cheesecake!  I am not stuffed, this tastes too good.  Just one more bite. Okay now, I am too stuffed.  I have to stand up not to, spit up.  Okay.  I will not get to taste the cheese cake tonight.  But I am happy.

Call Ben,  He came.  Got home fell asleep, etc. etc.

Uh OH, How did that knife slip into my bag?

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Title- The Studious One!

Title-  The Studious One!
artwork by Elyse

Of biscuits and syrup

Of biscuits and syrup
tasty treats

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday!
a day at the Raptor Center.

Widdle Emmie in outer space school

Emmie jumped on the bus and off it flew out into the atmosphere. There was a set of clouds with turbulence right above the house and it took a few minutes for my Emmie to buckle her seatbelt. They hit the bump hard and it knocked my Emmie out of her seat and she bumped her head. The video camera came on and the monitor looked through and stated, Ms. Emmie, where are you? You are not in your seat. Where are you? I am alright I fell because I hadn’t buckled correctly. Well jump up Emmie we have a long way to go and you have to be buckled there is entirely too much turbulence in the stratosphere for you to unbuckle now. As soon as we are through this weather system there will be straight sailing but right now you must buckle. Emmie scrambled into the seat with intensity and purpose now. She watched every cloud pass her window and her nose was pressed to the window trying to see the top of the house as it drifted slowly out of sight. Soon they were not only out of sight of the house, the sun came out brightly and just as quickly they were putting on the atmospherical breathing apparatus and the outerspherical lights. The ABA and the OL. These precautions were to make them appear to be satellites to the radar as they were out in the ionosphere. Emmie knew all about this now. She had gone to the orientation and had a good breakfast and it took them 20 minutes for her to get out past the atmospherical pull and to feel the zero gravity. It would be 15 minutes before the gravity simulators would take effect, a glitch in the system which was being worked on. Until then, they enjoyed the couple of minutes of floatation, while being connected to the seats by belt. The first thing they saw everyday was the strataflotsam. The items which had been dumped into the atmosphere by earlier generations. What would their generation do about this ecological waste area that remained floating above their heads? This was a question for the generations. For now it was the area that they had to guide through on the way to school.

Midnight at the OASIS

Midnight at the OASIS
Sunset in Huntersville

My little Emmie

ran to the bus on the first day of the last year of school. 2 buns on the side of her head. She kissed me and ran at dawn to the bus. She was starting the adventure of a lifetime. I would never see that little girl again, she was going to woman school!

My Father and I 1989

My Father and I 1989

to the tune of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme


Are you going to Mary Immaculate?

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

Remember me to the one who lived there,

He once was a true love of mine,

Tell him to buy me an acre of land,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

Between the muddy Hudson in Jamaica Bay,

Then, He’ll be a true love of mine,

Tell him to sow in it seeds of pure cream,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

And build Ice cream mountains and buildings of whipped cream,

Then, He’ll be a true love of mine,

Tell him to reap them with sickles of M&M’s,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

And chew bubble gum and eat till we’re done,

Then, He’ll be a true love of mine.

Tell him to run it off down the motor parkway,

Apricots, Chocolate Cherries and Pie,

After your done 50 pushups

and jog down the West Side Highway,

Then he’ll be a true love of mine…

(Don’t wait for me today dad, The kids are sick again, My tummy’s bulging again, My heart is aching again, And now there’s no love there…)

He once was, a true love of mine….So, Girls, I do beg you don't miss your Daddy,Apricots, Chocolate cherries and Pie,You have one short chance to see him on this side, Go visit him and let your light shine.