The trip yesterday, was alot more to talk about, for Evvy than it was for her brother, last week. I just about, could have been there with her. Stories of the silliness that she and her partner in "crime" occupy themselves with, is just adorable. She is a chip off the old block.
I was remembering one of the prayer group retreats when we had had a sober and crying prayer time about the sacred things, when I was a sophomore. My friend Maryanne and I thought we would inject some levity. It was getting too heavy for us. We said, I'd bet the girls wouldn't even notice if we moved the crucifixes off of the walls and put them on their beds. We were trying to make a graphic illustration about our neglect of the sacred in the everyday, just to cry about it when we are abruptly brought in focus of it in a prayer meeting. Well, we moved everybody's crucifix off of the wall and onto their beds and the girls came back and thought that there were ghosts in the monastery, where we were staying. They were screaming and instead of coming clean, we shut the lights off on them and then the whole floor was screaming and crying. We didn't expect that response. Sr. Annelle seemed to understand our childish pranks and we got quite a talking to about it. I think they raised the age of entry into prayer group to Junior year after that. We learned a lesson and it took a while, but, they did laugh about it when we were able to explain what we were going for.
Whoever came up with that word Sophomore it was totally appropriate. Children need some room to grow and get those sophomoric tendencies out of their system in the fear of God. Sr. Annelle loved us through our simplicity. She didn't judge us as unspiritual because we were silly. My Evvy has a partner in crime and she is up to just some of the same silliness as her mom. I love it!