so many examples of loving sisters in our family that it is too many to count. Grandma Hanst didn't have a sister and I feel sorry for her. But Grandma and Auntie, "Ruthy and the girls", Mom and her sisters:}, Grandma Monica and Aunt Glo are just a few.
I went over to Grandma Ruth's house, when my girls were little and the telephone rang. Grandma said, stand right there! The tone of her voice meant don't even move another muscle, don't pick it up and don't walk away from it. She let it ring and then it stopped and then it rang again. It is Aunt Iva, she said, pick it up. I picked it up and sure enough it was Aunt Iva and I was now privy to their wonderful love language of sisterhood. They had a special ring and Grandma wanted Aunt Iva to know that Jayne and the girls were visiting her and she knew that I would never call Aunt Iva myself, so she commanded me to pick up the phone and speak to Aunt Iva, thus updating her on my life. That is sister love. I was so insulted by the commanding tone and the forced servitude of those days that I really couldn't understand the lessons. Ben, on the otherhand, understood everything Grandma Ruth was saying and often interpreted her "savage" ways to me.
Once we were with Uncle Charles and Ben was singing Grandma Ruth's praises, over and over in his way. And Uncle interpreted that relationship for me. He helped me to see that she was a nonverbal teacher and that what she wanted us to learn was the care of this man was important. Her Grandson in law was very special to her. She served him and talked his language and got dressed up when he came over and I was totally blind to the sweetness of their relationship. Learning to prize and be comforted in the relationships we have, even with the pricklys is sometimes difficult. Not so hard with sisters, but the other people...
I wonder if you remember some special sisterly surprise lessons that you learned from the old ladies that we knew?
1 comment:
I will think about it but I do remember listening with rapt attention to you & Ju's exploits into the Fontebonne world of the privileged.Do you remember that? I think the more sisters you have the luckier you are for sure. I was with Grandma Ruth when she was dying and she called out for Iva allot and when she was calm she wanted me to name everybody. The names meant something real and comforting to her.
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