I had every intention of sitting by the pool and enjoying my day off for the anniversary. It was hot enough, but it rained:(. So we went out to dinner. The Italian Restaurant, Carrabas was a great place to oooh and ahhh over eachother and the great accomplishment of living this many years together. Love was blind, initially and now we talk about hindsight and life and love and what we want, still to do, if given time and grace and energy. Let's get these children grown and out. Let's hang on tighter, okay?
I had a delicious chicken with goatcheese stuffing and Zucchini and Mushrooms with a marsala sauce and the soup was superb Minestroni, with the hugest potato and cabbage pieces. I just loved it! Ben had his usual, fettucini and we know that is always good. But, this must have been my first time going to an Italian Restaurant and not ordering Pasta. This time we had soda and I forwent my liberty to order wine for $ sake. It is not everyday that you are 26 years together. I love being old together. When we got home, we both wish we had had some wine, because the reality of our home life hit us right in the face like a smack. The lovers ran out with the smack and we became commanders of the crew. My painful knee smacked and the fact that the children had done nothing we had asked them to do was on the table for discussion and consideration. I said WHIP THEM! My wonderfully merciful husband showed tolerance and I went to bed. We should be used to this kind of popping of our romantic bubble! We took a brief intermission to laugh at a youtube comedy skit by Sinbad. He has a way of putting our dillemmas into perspective for us.
Today is the Graduation! My Emily is amazingly radiant and real and everything we expected her to be. Creative and witty and poised and real. Today we celebrate her. The Clean up and prep for this is too much. Energized and strengthened we are into year 27
Hey Jayne , great to see you had a good time with your hubby.....
plan to do those things more often not just once a year:)
the food sounds like you enjoy but food sounds gross to me goatcheese stuffing , Mushrooms hahaha no really glad you had fun....
tell emily were so proud of her. tell ben nice flowers..keep on enjoying life peace for now jackie
Ben said the same thing and really, I got it so that he wouldn't eat mine. But I do love feta cheese and it was like that with a wine sauce and made it really surprisingly good. They cut the whole zuchini and gave me a whole half on the plate, my favorite part and a mushroom was the size of my hand. We really did enjoy it and it was so different. My husband usually eats half, this time I brought half home for the kids. We get out more than once a year.:)
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